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Wolf's Den's Crew
Captain Talina Gen'yaa
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Captain Talina Gen'yaa


Captain Talina Gen'yaa
Bothan, female, approximately 39 standard years old, 1,60 Mts. tall, above the norm for her race, and considerably less hairy too. This is not too strange, bearing in mind that inter-racial breeding has been very common amongst the humanoid races throughout galactic history. (In particular, the Bothans have never doubted in using marital ties as a means to achieve new levels of influence and power). 

Her previous assignment was on the spy corvette Curious Cat. The influence of counsellor Borsk Fey'laa in the New Republic helped her rise to this rank. Ackbar acknowledged her excellent duty record, and had to allow that Fey'laa get his own way. As is not unusual amongst the Bothan race, she is very calculating and bases her decisions on the achievable profit, both in the material sense, and the most subtle of influences. She is very ambitious (Fey'laa is counting on her to rise in command and therefore have someone with great influence in the fleet, which doesn't have too many Bothans in responsible posts) but also very professional. During the toughest years of the Rebellion she was capable of making the Curious Cat enter the most secure and watched over areas of Imperial space, and bring the ship back unscathed, most of the time without even being detected. She always has an ace up her sleeve, both when she deals with the enemy as well as with her subordinates. She will be a hard opponent for Foxfire when it comes down to taking decisions (Wolfshead's Commander will even feel she misses old Captain Orris at times!).