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(White Squadron Duty Roster)




Psycho / White 10   Stephen "Psycho" Proud was born on the planet Lianna. There he worked for Sienar Fleet Systems installing avionics systems into TIE starfighters in his teenage years. Later he answered the call of space and the Emperor and signed on to the Imperial Acadamy. He finished in the top of his class and excelled in dogfighting skills. After graduation he was assigned to the ISD Spectre.
His Imperial record was brief, but outstanding. He recieved the Emperor's Will for finishing off a pirate Frigate and its starfighter escorts in his TIE Interceptor after TIE Bombers had been destroyed by Z-95 and Y-Wing escorts. Destroying the Frigate had saved the lives of Admiral Motti and Admiral Griff who were on a shuttle which was overseeing a convoy of freighters with top secret cargo. However, Psycho defected after an Imperial biological research center in his home city on Lianna had an accident and released an experimental biological agent thereby killing the city's population.

Psycho was originally assigned to Gray Squadron under the designation of Gray 2. There he commanded the A-Wing element of Gray Squadron and helped capture a Victory Star Destroyer which later became Gray Squadron's flagship.

After Gray Squadron, Psycho became commanding officer of Blue Squadron. There he saw the training of many new pilots in the Rebellion. Later on Psycho's fighter was destroyed in combat. Psycho ejected safely, but was captured and taken to the prison camp on Kessel.

On Kessel he was assigned to the loading dock by day. At night he was usally subject to interrogation and torture. Fortunately the Empire got little from him. Then one day Psycho was able, with the help of ten other prisoners, to hijack a space freighter and escape from Kessel and make it back to the Alliance.

After returning Psycho was once again assigned to Blue Squadron. This time he was Operations Officer and was able to do little since shortly after he was sent on a special assignment. He was able to slip into the Imperial ranks thanks to the help of Alliance Special Ops. He was assigned to the ISD Virulent and was given the rank of Colonel. His mission was to sabatoge an Imperial project which was delevoping a highly potent biological agent which was capable of killing the population of entire planets. Psycho was able to badly damage the ISD Virulent and kill the project's commander, Admiral Naalic.

After stealing a shuttle from the ISD Virulent, Psycho made his way back to the Alliance. Naalic's forces pursued him, but he was saved by the FRG Joan d'Arc. No longer being a member of any Rebel squadron, he was recruited by Commander Krenzel and signed on as White 10.